Outside my window...crickets chirp, albeit a bit slower than usual as the Hurricane has brought some welcome cool days and even cooler nights
I am thinking...that I wish I could find more time to sew and that I was better at it so that I could sew faster
I am thankful for...K eating her hot dog, even if she didn’t want it to begin with and threw a gigantic tantrum which ended up in a time out and a lecture before she calmed down and enjoyed the toasted wheat bread makeshift bun with, for the first time ever, absolutely no ketchup in sight and the by-her-request double servings of cinnamon drenched applesauce
From the kitchen...3 pints of creamed corn canned, 2.5 quarts grape juice strained and resting, 1 bag green beans roasted, 1 tray of roma tomatoes slow roasting in a 180 oven overnight
I am usual capri yoga pants and tank top, despite the chill temperature
I am creating...good smells from the kitchen
I am bed, hopefully soon
I am reading...The Core, chapter on math
I am hoping...the cool weather continues all week long
I am book on cd playing and occasionally skipping on the cd player, needs to be replaced soon and this time with something better than the cheapest thing on the shelf
Around the house...the floor is clean except for a cleverly designed Lego birds nest to mirror the one that k saw on our hike yesterday evening but was unable to replicate with colored pencil in her nature journal this morning which resulted in many tears and a stubborn insistence to see a real bird
One of my favorite things...a crispness to the air that makes me want to be crawling out of a tent in my pajamas with a bad case of bed head to find that I need a jacket and mittens in order to open the hot chocolate packet to mix with my first cup o’joe fresh off the Coleman stove
A few plans for the rest of the week: Herndon Labor Day Wine (and now some beer!) Festival, School Orientation, First Day of School, a completely new routine to get used too
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
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